Upcoming Releases

Now that the System System 12" EP has been out for a good while now, and receiving some interesting comparisions (Terror? Cro-Mags? uhhh, I guess? - the closest one that I understand is a less metal version of Funerot) time to start talking about the upcoming releases. System System are heading back into the studio at the end of May to put down some new songs. If you want a preview of what they sound like live, then click below and see and hear that:

So those tracks will be out in some format, likely a 7" EP or a split. Still trying to figure out the logistics on that one, but look for it in the near future.

The band also did a Equalizing Distort Radio session in November which was broadcast in January. The band intends to put that out as a limited cassette, and we'll probably slap the Psychic Pain logo on it to make it partially ours.

Non-System System news? There is some! We're also releasing a cassette by a new band, Fatal Blows, a doomy, noisy hardcore band. No real timelines, but it'll be probably a few months, look for it in summer.

Other than that, we might co-release some unreleased Skull Servant NE/SE, with Servant Music on board to provide the other half. Negotiations with people who wear masks are tough and require many hours of negotiation. 
